Saturday, February 13, 2021

7 Reasons Why Every Motorcyclist Must Record Their Rides

  Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you thought that having a video recording of the last few moments of the ride would have made a huge difference? recording the moments of your motorcycle ride, no matter how insignificant the right days in your mind, can provide you with a ton of different advantages which we are going to explore in this article. So, let's get started. 

Video Evidence

Undoubtedly the most pragmatic benefit of recording videos of every riders that you get video graphic evidence after rights and in case you happen to be in an accident, this evidence can be used to prove your nonsense as well as receive due compensation from the guilty party. In order to do that, make sure that the video camera is mounted on top of the premium branded helmet using proper mount & straps so that you get uninterrupted feed of the ride to use later. Most of the video cameras that can be found in the market today record in only one direction- which is the front side, but if you need to have video dance of everything around you, think of investing in 360º cameras or a set of cameras one pointing forward and the other pointing backward. Whenever you have a P graphic evidence of the right, make sure not to plant in front of the guilty party because it may lead to an altercation and you may have to lose the camera as well as the recording if you tell them outright that you have a video recording of the entire event! The smartest thing to do is to immediately call the police, and even better if you have the video uploaded to the cloud on the go so that even if the police fail to deliver justice, you can use the video on social media to call attention to your case.

Source of Passive Income

Using the recordings of Delhi right, you can create a YouTube channel or any other video sharing platform that will lead to the creation of a secondary source of income without you having to do anything actively. Many people around the world using motorcycle rides to generate passive sources of income by monetizing their YouTube channels and promoting it on social media marketing platforms. In addition to daily rise, you can also use the video feed to record a rider review video of a new motorcycle, of a new branded premium two-wheeler bike and scooter helmet and schedule views regarding the product and have it published on the Internet for everybody to experience and learn from.

Video Journaling

A very rewarding experience of being a motorcycle rider is that you get to Journal experiences of every day after the ride ends. Whenever you are on a long-distance road trip, make sure to carry a Journal and jot down your thoughts and experiences either when you stop to take a break, or at the end of the ride in the evening. Nowadays, you can make the Journaling process much simpler and more interactive by recording it on a video camera mounted on the top of your branded premium helmet. Another additional advantage of doing that is should you ever want to sell your experiences of the video Journal with the world it can be done with the click of a few mouse buttons! Your video journalist can serve as an inspiration for next generation of riders to come and learn from your mistakes and experiences which is always a safer and better way to learn things rather than experiencing them personally. 

Sharing Experiences With The World

Moments in time and space are so fleeting in nature that if you do not capture them right away, they evade forever and vanish. As a long-distance rider, you might have come across millions of such unique experiences that might have been very difficult to explain later to other people who were not present at the moment. But with the help of a video camera, you can constantly cancel the rides and share those unique once in a lifetime experiences with the world an inspired them to go on a road trip of their own!

Continual Betterment As A Rider

Every motorcycle rider needs to improve as a rider and the skill improvement comes only after accepting the fact that you have been making a particular mistake in a particular situation. And nobody is going to tell you that come out which is why you need the help of a video camera to know where you went wrong, and then correct it the next time. As a beginner, it is not necessary to have a video camera to record the initial mistakes, but if you do come on nothing better. But experienced riders should definitely have happy new camera mounted on top of their motorcycle helmets because in addition to all the different benefits that we have mentioned above, you also get to know about the mistakes from your personal critic mounted on the top of your head!

Dissuade Road Rage

In many places around the world, primarily in economically strong places and in places with high degree of crime you must have seen dummy cameras pleased in the corner of the street, or on storefronts just to dissuade criminals from breaking and entering or doing something nefarious. Having a video camera mounted on top of your head on the premium branded helmet serves a similar purpose. There are all kinds of people under rude, some aggressive by nature and they will do aggressive things irrespective of whether you instigate them or not. Do not take this for granted but having a video camera mounted on top of your motorcycle helmet might be a strong deterrent for them to do anything criminal.

Encourage Sloppy Drivers To Be Safer 

The power of social media platforms has moved democracies and has repeatedly changed lives around the world. Nobody wants to get on the negative side of social media and the fear of being ostracized publicly on social media platforms is a powerful motivator. Do not ever post or share videos online of anybody in a negative light unless there was a very compelling reason for you to do that either to draw attention to the mistakes that lead to a catastrophic accident, or to dissuade other writers from doing the same mistake all over again. Just having a mounted camera on top of your head can encourage sloppy drivers to be safer and look away from their mobile phones onto the road while driving.   

Thursday, February 4, 2021

6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Ride A Motorcycle

Have you been thinking of getting into the world of motorcycling because of its advantages? The last thing you need is to get started with motorcycling for the wrong reasons. There is no denying the fact that motorcycles are economical to operate and more practical in different aspects which makes them the perfect option for commuting as well for going on long distance rides. But in order to make the best of two-wheelers and to stay safe on it, you need to be mindful of a few things. Here are 6 basic reasons that should dissuade you from riding a motorcycle.

You don’t like rules much

Don’t ride a motorcycle if rules and regulations stifle you. There are going to be a ton of rules whether you are riding in America or Amsterdam, and the rules are meant for your own safety as well as that of those of others. So, if you fail to abide by the rules and regulations, you are going to be a problem to yourself as well as to that of others. So, if you do not like rules much, don’t ride or drive on the public roads. Or, have someone else chauffer you around.

You think experts don’t make mistakes 

Accidents happen when people become overconfident. The moment you start thinking too much of your skills and knowledge as a motorcycle rider, you start making mistakes leading to accidents and you begin endangering others too. Accidents can happen to anyone, and that is why it is important to always stay protected against the dangers of the road with adequate and appropriate riding safety gears. If nothing else, you need to invest in at least a good quality premium brand-new scooter and motorcycle helmet and riding gloves among other things. Always keep riding gears in your luggage box and carry a premium branded helmet with you. 

Motorcycles are meant to be ridden fast

Motorcycles can achieve great speeds, so do cars but if you think that these vehicles are meant to be ridden fast all the time, you are gravely mistaken. Always ride the motorcycle within the speed limits recommended by the road safety authorities in your area. When you ride slow, you get ample time to compensate for mistakes made by others and take smart decisions to stay safe. There may be times when you may ride faster but, in most cases, you need must stay within the mandated speed limits. Never get into the world of motorcycling thinking that motorcycles are meant to be ridden fast. 

You expect others to save you

Motorcycle accidents happen when people expect others to save them when they make a mistake. Always ride with the assumption that people can't see you when you are on the road. Additionally, we even suggest you to compensate for mistakes made by others and stay safe by avoiding situations that are likely to create a risky situation. While riding in the dark make yourself as visible as possible and wear a bright colored motorcycle helmet.

Safety is the last thing on your mind

If you think that being safe is the last thing on your mind, you should never ride a motorcycle. Accidents are not within your control and most of them happen because of human errors that are beyond your control. Minimize the risk of being harmed in an accident by staying one step ahead by wearing the best quality motorcycle riding gears.   

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